My Mommy Tips on Baby's Christening

          My life on being a first time momma is very challenging sometimes you have to juggle work, wife duties and to your ugh... "pocket upkeeps".I am a mother of a nine month old rocker and one of my goals in life is to have him baptized before he turns one year old... I search online for the baptismal souvenirs, balloons, restaurant, and even a rent a car for a day to help our ninongs and ninangs transpo from church to reception. Everything was an easy-breezy if you put your techie side in your mommy instincts.
        So, let's start... first of all, decide first how much is your budget (I guess that's the first thing you have to consider) next, is the date when, and where (what church) do you want to baptized your little one. I just made my online invitations and I made it personally using my photoshop skills! (yup, you need to exhaust your talent sometimes haha!) Then, according to your budget, choose among online listings the affordable yet fabulous souvenirs according to your budget (you have to be strict on this one!), I got a very affordable one, that is P25/pc. I ordered around 12 pcs. You're done with the invitations, souvenirs or giveaways next is the church... I considered the church where my in laws and my family can meet halfway, plus my staycation place for the event is just a few blocks away.
          Then, the restaurant! This part gave me so much stress! the event schedule was a season's hectic schedule... every restaurant and event place was fully booked that time and I was so lucky because I was able to find a great deal restaurant with a promo that time, I spent around 7k for 20 plus persons... and of course, the party will be so boring without balloons right??? I scout online and found a very affordable I spent 400 pesos for the balloons, and that is transpo inclusive. Lastly, the car that I rent for a day, anyway, this is optional so you can skip this one... but since I wanted everything to be flawlessly perfect, I made an arrangement for an Adventure (1k for a halfday) who will fetch us with ninongs and ninangs going to reception area. All in all I guess I spent less than 8k for the whole thing! Everything was a blast, had fun and enjoyed the day! Just remember mommies, you have to make diskarte to have an awesome and affordable baptismal!


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