Tips on How to Improve your Personality

When you are applying for a job, or aiming for that position in the office are you asking why can't you get that goal? It is because first impressions are an extremely important part of everyday contacts. The people you meet, the places you go, the things you do all through your life are affected by first impressions... these quick but very effective tips will help you on how to improve your personality. 

1. Keep your best foot forward at all times - In difficult times, you must create a favorable first impression in every instance this can be applied for example in a big presentation at school. Give your best shot!

2. Get along well with your colleagues - Treat them as you would like them to treat you. It is one of the outstanding results of a good personality is the ability to get along well and satisfactorily with your fellow workers.

3. Always put a smile into your face - Who would like to be with the person who always frown? Smile is an element of personality. If your not the kind of person who smiles often, practice infront of a mirror and smile. Try it and see the difference!

4. When you talk to a man, give him your full attention and consideration - When you listen to his ideas, put some smiling pleasantness and interest into your manner. In that way, the person will feel that he is important. 

5. Check yourself write down good points and one constructive point that you will work on the following week - Evaluate yourself  carefully, honestly, and faithfully. Remember, no one can help you as much as yourself, and you have to account to but yoursef. 

Get rid of those negative traits. Stand up and change it to new and positive ones, and you will have a pleasant, friend-winning personality. 


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