What is a real Man?

Ladies, these are the tips on how you can sense a real man from a "reel man"... check this out!

1. A real Man is a man who honestly tries to live up to the best he knows.

2. A real Man has the humility of Christ. He is never proud, no matter how great he is. 

3. A real Man talks a little, but does much. He is dependable.

4. A real Man works honestly. He hates get-rich-quick schemes of crooked politicians and influence peddlers. 

5. A real Man never shows that he is more intelligent than the other man. He does not judge other people. 

6. A real Man loves his neighbors as he loves himself.

7. A real Man is loyal to his friends. He sticks to him for better or for worse, through thick and thin. 

8. A real Man is patient. He endures what can not be helped. 

9. A real Man does not hurt a woman, physically or morally. He loves but once -- and faithfully. 

10. A real Man is-well, he is the Paragon of men. 

Excerpts from:  Learn Your Way to Success


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